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GLRI Funded in New Legislation

May 17, 2019

This week, the House Appropriations Committee introduced legislation funding the Department of Interior and the Environmental Protection Agency.

The legislation includes $305 million dollars for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. This meets the requested level President Donald Trump pledged his support for during a March 28 visit to Grand Rapids. During that visit, Congressman John Moolenaar, Congressman Bill Huizenga and Congressman Jack Bergman urged President Trump to support $300 million for the Great Lakes.

Shortly after their conversation, President Trump announced his support.

"I support the Great Lakes…And I am going to get, in honor of my friends, full funding of $300 million for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative," said Trump at the time, referencing Moolenaar, Huizenga and Bergman.

Moolenaar, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, has worked across the aisle to ensure bipartisan support for funding the Great Lakes in legislation proposed by the committee.

He made the following statement on the legislation:

"I have been working together with my colleagues from Michigan and we have built a strong bipartisan coalition of support for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative including Republicans, Democrats and President Trump. That is reflected in this new legislation which has full funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.

"While I have concerns about other parts of this large bill, especially any that might affect Michigan agriculture, I am optimistic that by working with the president as we have done, the strong support for the GLRI will continue as we move toward a final bill that is signed into law.